all postcodes in PE34 / KING'S LYNN

find any address or company within the PE34 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE34 4AA 8 0 52.757086 0.352875
PE34 4AB 8 0 52.756664 0.351903
PE34 4AD 12 0 52.757502 0.349992
PE34 4AE 10 0 52.756958 0.348896
PE34 4AF 7 0 52.757823 0.346526
PE34 4AG 15 1 52.758235 0.346148
PE34 4AH 10 0 52.757979 0.351811
PE34 4AJ 12 0 52.758236 0.355175
PE34 4AL 4 0 52.75878 0.356301
PE34 4AN 25 0 52.760023 0.35619
PE34 4AP 4 0 52.759597 0.355011
PE34 4AQ 9 0 52.757969 0.342755
PE34 4AR 48 0 52.76113 0.354782
PE34 4AS 26 0 52.760805 0.353505
PE34 4AT 31 0 52.760403 0.352905
PE34 4AU 13 0 52.762251 0.354028
PE34 4AW 7 0 52.760273 0.355818
PE34 4AX 9 0 52.762708 0.352733
PE34 4AY 19 0 52.763663 0.355378
PE34 4AZ 3 0 52.765136 0.358141